Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Mónate paináute he Pai le Koa 24si

Héite lami lakaméhepo nuisai le Koa hetia, kapaináute lúaku-néisi kacimi!

Hekei kavoa kesi ticímiki kémeni i palili oasi pameti mono lacimi ela eso. Tamieko kasavu oma, kapatune kaímita oma. Hetikehe kavoa vime ninasicutekuvi kepi kacimi kocusunu, kocupamuta... konicutehienu ve le púhuma eso i hala aaika iuluhu.

Paináute iolo, nii, Koa ni paloha. Kavóase sii i vimuniko taa i vela, e ninateota komiilo kaseculilo.

-Iúliki, Váhumaa, 2023-09-13

Lílite la le Níkili / English Translation:

Warm greetings to the worldwide Koa community on this, the 24th birthday of the language!

During the last year this little language of mine has transformed from a mere considered idea into a real living language. It took on its own style, its own sense of self. At this time last year I couldn't have imagined how much the language would grow and change... that I would be able to call myself a real speaker after such a short time.

Happy birthday, then, my beloved Koa. May your next year be even more astonishing, and I can't wait to discover what you will become.

-Julie, Portland, 9/13/23